Coptic Cantor

Hymn Maps/Hazzat

You can download the font Hazzat v1.10a from our brothers at, but one request from the author is to share your hymns with everyone for teaching purposes, which is a reason for the birth of this website!

Its use is simple; below will be a simplified tutorial, but for a full “how-to” click here.

  1. The first line if the keyboard (qwerty… lowercase) is for short notes increasing by 1 each letter
    (q = 1, w = 2, etc)

  2. The second line (asdf… lowercase): a is a fast transition character, but s on is extending that note
    (s = 2nd, d = 3rd, etc)

  3. The third line (zxcv… lowercase) is for full notes increasing by 1 each letter
    (z = 1, x = 2, etc.)

  4. The notes are made in a way that when you type 2+ in a row they connect.
    For example: qq is 2 half single notes and would look like z, and zz would be a long single note.

  5. Numbers will indicate the number of times a set of notes/hazzat will be repeated;
    Shift+Numbers - will denote a set with a number so it can be referred to later.
