Introduction to Doxologies (Hosanna Tune) September 10, 2019 / Peter Attia DOWNLOAD (Heritage of the Coptic Orthodox Church Tradition) DOWNLOAD (Ibrahim Ayad Tradition) 0 Likes categories / Hosanna Sunday, Introduction to Doxology, Feast of the Cross tags / Hosanna Tune, Shanini tune
Introduction to Doxologies (Lenten Weekends) May 14, 2019 / Peter Attia DOWNLOAD 0 Likes categories / Introduction to Doxology, Great Lent Weekends
Ϯⲡⲁⲣⲑⲉⲛⲟⲥ (Kiahk Introduction to Doxologies) May 13, 2019 / Peter Attia DOWNLOAD 1 Likes categories / Kiahk, Introduction to Doxology tags / Tiparthenos, Ti-parthenos, Ti parthenos
Introduction to Doxologies (Festive) May 12, 2019 / Peter Attia DOWNLOAD 0 Likes categories / 29th of the Month, Annunciation, Circumcision, Coptic New Year, Festive, Holy Fifty Days (1-39), Holy Fifty Days (40-49), Nativity, Pentecost, Presentation of the Lord, Resurrection Feast, Theophany, Transfiguration, Wedding Feast at Cana, Introduction to Doxology, Entrance into Egypt